Portland Centre Opens for New Covid Testing Program

Portland Centre to become an asymptomatic testing centre for the month of March

After talks with Nottingham City Council and their planning teams, we are delighted to announce that, starting on Tuesday 2nd March, our Portland Centre will open to the public as an asymptomatic testing centre for the Meadows and surrounding community.

The centre will offer a free, rapid, Covid-19 test and will follow on from the success of the asymptomatic testing at Djanolgy Community Leisure Centre.

Since the testing centre at Djanolgy opened in January, more than 5,500 tests have been carried out on people without Covid symptoms. Of this figure, 53 people have tested positive.

Cllr Sally Longford, Deputy Leader of Nottingham City Council, said: “After the success of our testing centre at Djanolgy Community Leisure Centre, we are pleased to now be able to offer a local facility for residents and workers in the south of the city.

“We know citizens living around the sites are of working age and more at risk of catching Covid-19 so it is important everyone protects themselves and those around them, whether family, colleagues or people in support bubbles. There are also good transport links to both sites to encourage residents from neighbouring areas to get tested.

“The aim of the asymptomatic testing is to pick up more infections before people become symptomatic and support them to isolate earlier. Self-isolation support payments are available from the Council.”

People will not need to display any symptoms to access this test and the results of positive or negative for Covid-19 can be given in under an hour. The offer will be for each person to access a test at least once a week.

From Tuesday 2nd March through until Wednesday 31st March the centre will be opening during the following times for members of the local community to drop in and receive their free test:

Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: 8am – 6pm

Wednesday: 7am – 5pm

Thursday: 8am – 6pm

Friday: 8am – 6pm

Saturday: 8.30am – 1pm

Sunday: CLOSED

(Please note for up-to-date times visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/asymptomatictesting)

To find out more about the Portland Centre, please check out the website here


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