Notts County Foundation launch winter mental health appeal

Today (Monday 10th January), Notts County Foundation has launched its winter mental health appeal in support of its Right Mind, On The Ball, and Goals For Life programmes.

The newly-launched appeal looks to generate donations and support for the charity’s three predominant mental health programmes, which focus on improving the mental and emotional wellbeing of people living across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Via the Notts County Foundation website’s portal, individuals can pledge to donate on either a one-off or monthly basis, as well as create their own fundraising page within the platform to raise money. Donors can also remain up-to-date with the appeal’s progress and gain more information about where their money goes by clicking here.

Emma Trent, Head of Programmes at Notts County Foundation, said: “There’s no doubt that the ongoing coronavirus pandemic continues to exacerbate the need and demand for mental health support services. No one is immune to struggling with their mental health, which is why our three main programmes offer bespoke, tailored approaches for men, women, young adults and children.”

Delivered by Notts County Foundation’s team of mental health professionals, the weekly sessions adopt a person-centred approach to place the needs and requirements of participants at the centre of delivery. Supporting individuals from as young as 11-years-old, Notts County Foundation’s community-orientated programmes provide short, medium, and long-term mechanisms to help people manage and look after their mental health.

Emma added: “Naturally, the start of a new year can present some mental health complications and coupled with the anxiety and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, it’s more important than ever before to make sure that people have access to free, high-quality mental health support.”

To make a donation, please click here, or for more information, please contact

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